Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What Will Happen If I Don’t Change My Air Conditioner’s Air Filters?

It really is how many homeowners and renters will put off replacing A/C air filters without realizing that this is costing them every month.  They take paying the electric bill is what it is, and there is little they can do about it.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  If the filter is dirty, the air conditioner works much harder pushing air.  This additional effort drives up the amount of electric that it takes to do the same job.  When the motor strains, the amount of electricity needed rises significantly and wears out the motor prematurely.
The difference between a dirty air filter and a new is not just a visual one, but how efficiently your air conditioner / heater works.
Can a dirty AC filter cause harm to the AC unit?
Dirty A/C Air Filter vs New Filter
Some homeowners don’t even know where their A/C filters are located.  Worse, some people are under the impression that a dirty filter is actually better a trapping dirt!  WRONG !!!   They couldn’t be further from the truth.
A dirty filter can be the major factor behind a long list of A/C dysfunctions.  Here are some of the reasons why:
  • Clogged A/C Air Filter - Berkun AirAs components like the blower fan and compressor run longer, harder and hotter, thus restricting airflow, all of which will drive up your monthly utility bill.  Costs will decline immediately after a filter is changed.
  • A dirty filter means dirty air.  Indoor air quality will degrade and the filter itself becomes saturated and blocked.  As the filter become chocked with airborne particulates, the filter itself becomes a haven for allergens like pollen, mold spores and dust mites.  In fact, dirty filters frequently serve as a breeding ground for microorganisms that contaminate indoor air.
  • Frozen Indoor Coil Unit Found by Berkun Air of West Palm Beach
    An air conditioner coil freezing up may lead to compressor failure if not corrected.
    When the filter become saturated, a condition called air bypass results.  When this occurs, the air blower will work harder to push air to the point where the air filter may totally  collapse, forcing dirty air to bypass the filter entirely.  Once this happens, contaminates in the air will then collect on the air conditioners cooling coils and totally block the flow of air.
    If left untreated, the coil themselves will freeze over with ice (see image at right).
How often do I need to clean/change my filter?
You should always check with the owners manual that came with your air conditioner for specific recommendations, but generally speaking, it’s best to clean or change your filters once every 3 to 6 months.
Here are guidelines for changing the air filters in your home:
  • Change air filters whenever they look black and clogged, preferably every three months.
  • Households with smokers, dogs or cat lovers should change once a month.
  • Households with asthma or allergies sufferers should check and change filters regularly, ideally once a month.
How to maintain your A/C air filter
Below, I found a video that may be helpful in helping you replace your air filter yourself if you’ve never done it before.  My only caveat to this video was that if you are going to vacuum inside the air handler, that you first turn the unit off, and don’t use a metal vacuum handle.
Changing your home’s air filters is a relatively cheap.  Not changing your A/Cs air filter is will cost you more than you can imagine.  Bottom line, don’t try and cut costs here.  It’ll only come back and bite you in the pocket book.
If you are unable or unwilling to replace your own A/C filter, give us a call for help.
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Jeff Berkun - Owner of Berkun Air, West Palm Beach
Jeff Berkun – Owner, Berkun Air
Berkun Air - West Palm Beach / (561) 842-4362Founded in 1992, Jeff Berkun has run his  business based on providing customers with outstanding service and expert advise.  Berkun Air is one of the few air conditioning companies to be awarded an A+ Rating from the Palm Beach County Consumer Affairs Division.

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